In time, troublesome people will lose out. When people show troubled behaviors they often lose respect and credibility. People will try every tactic in the world not to have dealings with this person. Moreover, troublesome workers may find themselves one day wondering why people disbelieve what the person says. In time, the co-worker just might lose his or her job.
In the meantime, you must learn to deal with troublesome employees or co-workers, despite they push your last nerve. Often people fail to paraphrase, clarify, or give positive feedback that slows a person.
The biggest problem in the world is failure to communicate, which comes from a major failure in comprehension. Since we live in a world with people full of various traits, such as dialects, views, beliefs, etc, it often leads to breakdown in communication.
My professor in college once told me a story, which I will share with you. In his class were two men. One man was from Kentucky and the other from New York. Yankee and Rebels often rarely get alone because they cross wires because of failure to understand dialect. My professor told the men to consider dialects.
For instance, a Kentuckian might say, “Ya’ll, are not doing yaws job right.” This will lead to confusion if a person with a different dialect is listening, since that person may believe that the Kentuckian is downgrading everyone, thus generalizing that no one is doing his or her job. This is not what the Kentuckian is saying.
It depends on the situation, but if this person is speaking to one person, then “ya’ll,” is that person he or she is referring to. This is part of this person’s dialect and if people would cease thinking that the world revolves around them, thus they would know that this person is saying, “I see a problem with the way you are doing your job. Perhaps I can show you how to do the job effectively.” This is an underline of hidden messages that the sender is stating.
Of course, this is not detailed as to what my professor said to me, but it is clearly linking to what he meant. Thus, try to learn how to read between the lines successfully manage troublesome co-workers. Once the two men started to understand dialect, both men became best friends. Many people fail to use affirmatives to clarify what a sender is stating to them. This causes breakdowns in relationships, with co-workers, and so on.
Look at some examples of affirmatives: Joe Asks: Which processor is of higher quality than the processor in my system now? Co-worker: “How the heck should I know, go ask someone that gives a hoot.” Paraphrasing: So, you are telling me that you have no clue which processor is better than the other. Receiver: Well, yes. Clarifying: So, it’s my understanding that I need to research or talk to an expert, qualified to help me find the best processor? Clearly, you can see that using affirmatives could break out the point in discussion and slow anger.